
My name is Leonardo, but I’m mostly known as Leo. This bio is focused in my professional journey. If you want to get to know me as a person, I suggest you invite me for a beer or a coffee anytime!

I write in the third person on this page for a reason. Sometimes I have to copy/paste this info elsewhere, and usually it is required to be in the third person.

500 words bio

Leonardo Graboski Veiga is an Electronics Engineer that works with Embedded Linux since he concluded his graduation in 2016. In his work journey at Toradex, he started as a Field Application Engineer (FAE) - and ultimately the local Brazil FAE Team Lead - helping dozens of customers overcome technical issues and bring their products faster to the market, as well as other employers in their professional development. He implemented the Toradex Quickstart Guide, a well-received first-day evaluation guide for new Toradex customers.

Due to his contributions to documentation and development of technical demos to showcase key technologies, under the CTO’s guidance, he founded the Technical Marketing team where he worked as Team Lead. He significantly contributed to making the Toradex Developer and Main websites better structured and richer with content, improving customers’ UX, and securing Toradex in a position of leadership with regard to self-service customer support. He implemented partner programs to showcase their technologies on Toradex hardware while providing a lead customer UX on the evaluation of those technologies.

Leonardo has worked as the main developer of the Flash Analytics Tool project, at the Toradex Innovation team. His work contributed with technical content on the Toradex Developer website, to capture customer interest in such a tool, and with feedback to the TorizonCore team in its early days.

Currently the Product Owner of the TorizonCore team, Leonardo helps shape the future of the TorizonCore Embedded Linux distro, the TorizonCore Builder tool to configure the distro for specific use cases, and the IDE Extensions that allow seamless out-of-the-box application development. He guided the team to implement secure offline updates, provisioning at scale, and bootloader updates, among other features. He has driven the advance of test automation within the team, switching from fully manually tested releases to mostly automated ones, moving the team status with regard to DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics from low/medium to high, and still improving towards elite.

Throughout his work career, Leonardo has written several blogs on the Toradex Blog, the Embarcados website (in Brazilian Portuguese), and the CNX Software website. He has presented talks at Toradex Webinars, The Developers Conference Sao Paulo 2017, Embedded Systems and IoT Seminar Brazil 2019, and Linux Developer Conference Brazil 2019.

Study and Career

This section has a summarized version of Leonardo’s academic and professional experience.

  • 2016-present: employee at Toradex.
    • 2016: Embedded Linux intern, working as Field Application Engineer.
    • 2017-2018: Field Applicaiton Engineer.
    • 2018: part-time Innovation Developer, working on a Flash Analytics Tool.
    • 2018-2021: Technical Marketing Team Lead.
    • 2022-present: TorizonCore Team Product Owner, also PO for the TorizonCore Builder and IDE Extensions.
  • 2011-2016: Electrical Engineer with Emphasis in Electronics graduation at University of Sao Paulo - School of Engineering of Sao Carlos (EESC-USP).
    • 2011: advanced robotics studies group at university.
    • 2014: teacher’s assistant in Applications of Microcontrollers II.
    • 2016: final paper: beer brewing equipment with a web UI for remote process control.
  • 2007-2010: highschool-level Electronics Technician course at Federal Technological University of Parana (UTFPR).
    • 2010: final paper: bidirectional infrared people counter.
    • 2010: IT technician intern at Antheus Tecnologia.

Talks and workshops

This section collects Leonardo’s talks. The flags 🇺🇸 and 🇧🇷 inform the language of the talk, not the location.

Articles and blogs

Leonardo has written blog posts for some blogs and websites. The flags 🇺🇸 and 🇧🇷 inform the language of the articles.

Detailed bio

This is a more in-depth section about Leonardo.

Product Owner TorizonCore - Toradex (2022 - present)

In late 2021, Leonardo moved to the Toradex R&D team, as Product Owner of the TorizonCore team, which owns several components: the TorizonCore Embedded Linux distro, the client-side implementation of Remote and Offline Updates, the TorizonCore Builder tool for distro configuration, the Debian Packages and Containers for Torizon, the IDE Extensions for Visual Studio and VS Code.

As PO, Leonardo saw through to the implementation of secure offline updates, provisioning at scale, and bootloader updates, among other features. He has driven the advance of test automation within the team, switching from fully manually tested releases to mostly automated ones, moving the team status with regard to DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics from low/medium to high, and still improving towards elite.

Team Lead Technical Marketing - Toradex (2018 - 2021)

Due to this work focused on demos, blogs, and the Quickstart Guide, around mid-2018 Leonardo assumed the role of Developer Website Content Manager, which later became the Technical Marketing team, where he was the first member and - as others joined - the Team Lead. In this position he assumed technically and professionally challenging tasks, responsibilities, and reached various achievements.

On the developer website, Leonardo contributed to improve the customers experience with templates, standards, conventions, and content. He also worked directly with partner programs, such as the Partner Demo Images and the Partner Demo Containers.

In partnership with AWS and NXP, he managed the techincal development of the AI at the Edge, Pasta Detection Demo, also known as Pasta Demo, and participated as a developer doing Yocto Project customization.

He has significantly contributed to the overhaul of both Toradex’s Main Website and Developer Website. On the latter, after a thorough study, Leonardo paved the way toward a new website with an improved contribution process and new features that enhanced the UX.

Developer Innovation - Toradex (2018 - 2019)

At approximately the same time Leonardo switched to Technical Marketing, he also took over the development of an innovation project named Flash Analytics Tool. He worked in two lines of research: tracking user space writes to storage down to the kernel space storage drivers, as to guarantee that all write operations being accounted for were actually performed on the physical device after all cache and buffer stages, and monitoring the health of the flash - focused on e.MMC - over time, both using the data defined in the e.MMC 5 standard and vendor-specific e.MMC granular health on a per-block level.

The work led to the improvement of the content in the eMMC (Linux) article in the developer website, a webinar about flash memory in Embedded Linux systems, and the conclusion of the project’s MVP.

Internship and Field Application Engineer Brazil - Toradex (2016 - 2018)

In 2016, as he concluded the undergraduation, Leonardo was selected for an Embedded Linux internship at Toradex. He worked with direct customer support, contributed to the Toradex Developer Website with editing articles and implementing a Quickstart Guide. He has also developed technical demos and written techincal blogs both in Portuguese and English. After a while, Leonardo became the team lead and helped others develop themselves as Field Application Engineers.

Electrical Engineer with Emphasis in Electronics undergraduation - EESC-USP (2011 - 2016)

In 2011, he started a 5-year Electrical Engineer with Emphasis in Electronics undergraduation at University of Sao Paulo - School of Engineering of Sao Carlos (EESC-USP). There he learned the basis of engineering, with a background in math (the basis of calculus, ordinary differential equations, calculus with complex numbers), electromagnetism, first order control systems (which he enjoyed very much but due to embedded systems he decided to not pursue), basics on eye bioengineering, and principles of medical images formation.

In the undergraduation he has also gained more in-depth knowledge about digital curcuits, microcontrollers (again the good old 8051, and also PIC 16Fxx), PLC (ladder), FPGA (again VHDL, mostly simulation) and Embedded Linux (Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black), which led to his final paper for the undergraduation being an Automated Beer Brewing Machine (paper in Brazilian Portuguese only).

Highschool-level Electronics technician - UTFPR (2007 - 2010)

Leonardo’s profesisonal journey started in 2007, when he joined a 4-year Electronics Technician degree at Federal Technological University of Parana (UTFPR). He learned about analog and digital electronic circuits, microcontrollers (the good old 8051, in the form of an Atmel 89S52), and even a little of microprocessors (a SoM with an ARM7TDMI-S from a local SoM manufacturer, which he only programmed bare metal in C), and FPGAs (implement a 4-bit microcontroller for an Altera Cyclone III in VHDL).