Ladies and gentleman, welcome! In today’s Photo of the Month edition we go to the city of Morungaba, in the paulista countryside. Yet, the photo shoot is restricted to the country house where we stayed, and thus touristic attractions of the city will be left out.

Let’s start with the place and then go to the people. On the highway, almost at the city entrance, we went through a bamboo tunnel over the road - and I didn’t take a picture of it - and then we reached the entrance:

The Country House

The country house has a nice infrastructure, well-equiped and with a pool:

Fire pit are:

On the sequence, a rustic seat at the sundown:

And an interesting composition of stone and tree in the neighbour area:

To finish, a close from a tree:


Here are some panoramas from the country house:

The Fauna

We saw some animals during our stay, starting with beautiful toucans:

There also was the hurried and careful visit of the seriema (a big local bird):

The cricket almost scared Nat to death:

A dreadful spider:

A peculiar bettle:

And a cute and opportunist cat, that was trying to get some food all the time:

This was a short portrait of the place, now let’s go to people!

Gossip Column

Many illustrious people were there on these days. It all started with a reinforced breakfast:

Entitled to an advertisement from Veganinhas Online and their sponsor, Not Milk:

And a good friend’s talk at the porch:

And the gluttony went on at lunch time:

Here’s a psychedelic photo:

And a wine to make the day happier:

Finally food got ready and a great poke was served:

To endure the heat only with a cold beer. Pause for a second round of advertisement from Veganinhas Online, this time with Amstel:

There is family agriculture in the farm…

…a lot of sports…

…and couples in love:

A young lad flying a kite:


Great personalities:

And a bucket full of frinedship:

And this is how this June’s Photo of the Month ends. I hope you had fun with us, and feel invited to our next adventure here in the blog. Cheers!