Hi folks, today’s post comes with the theme Valinhos’s streets. It’s only 3 streets, no secrets. I even explain what I liked most in the photos. Do you know when someone says that interpretation is up to the viewer? Here it also is, but also influenced by my own view. Think of a guided tour. Let’s go?

I liked this walk, it could even have some caption related to road, path, path to follow or something like that.

My official photo sommelier didn’t focus on the walk, though. She focused on the overall and the tall grass. And you, on what did you focus?

On this street I became fixated in the crooked line.

And tried to provide a sensation of infinity, which gets compromised by the curve at the end of the street.

In the next one, I liked how the trees feel like a tunnel.

The hydrant added a charm. I don’t remember seeing so many hydrants like this spread across the city.

On the other side of the street, a nice walk and palm trees.

Opposite view, going down.

Where you live, what is your favorite street? Why?