This time we repeat the place that was also published on Photo of the Month - October 2020, but from an entirely different perspective: people and berbecue. And in this relaxed mood, let’s go freestyle and all-in.

Disclaimer: yes, this is a family photo post. If you don’t want to be that person who was “fooled into seeing someone’s vacation pictures” under a drapery of “see these wonderful photos”, stop reading this post right now and come back next month!

Get ready, because there is a pile of photographs coming up.

The Cowgirls

Let’s start with the cowgirls.

Cowgirl 1, flaunt:

Cowgirl 2, roots:

Cowgirl 3, tech saavy:

Cowgirl 4, photogenic:

Cowgirl 5, smiling:

The Best Clicks

Now let’’s go to the top clicks. Don’t confuse them with the best photos. They are the best clicks, whatever it means.

Naughty intruder. Personally, the one I liked most:

The essence of the pinga. The blur illustrates the effect of the bitch cachaça, not the lack of photographer’s ability, no:

Those random photos the phorographer tries to sell as conceptual, but everyone knows he has not idea what he’s doing:

What are these guys looking at?

Breeeeeeak John, or we go down the bluff!

Youngsters socializing:

Violent yoga. After all, nobody wants to relax!

Dangerous yoga. Go for it, payback!

Two words: congra tulations!

Jumpers part 1:

Jumpers part 2:

Jumpers part 3:

Spy photographer:

Someone has to be classy!

Others have a beautiful smile:

And others style:

Is it fashion and I am not aware of it?


Some barbecue photos now.

Preparing the blaze:

Here we have sausages of all formats and flavours, for all tastes:

We are also inclusive. Vegan people are welcome. Except we didn’t have vegans there!

What did people eat this day, that made them all show the finger all the time?

And the barbecue roasting:

Closer, to make your mouths watering:

Careful with thefts:


Here we also have the kids area. Fun for all ages.

Starting with the cousins:

Going to a mini hang loose:

And ending with lake adventures. Find Mogli on this picture:

Me, Model

Usually I’m taking the photos. Now that they photoed me, you’ll all have to live with my photos!

Let’s start with a green background and apply a chroma key. Except not:

Let’s try again:

Do a random pose!

Serious face.

Open your eyes, it isn’t that bright.

Finally someone showing a finger that is not the middle one!

I’m just watching:

And that’s all for today. Did you like it? Good for you. Didn’t you? Good, for me at least.