Today’s post came through opportunity. On Covid’s green phase, when we thought things would only get better, I took Natalia to an appointment in Campinas. To optimize the use of my time, I decided to go to the Taquaral Pond and take some pictures.

Unfortunately I got there very close to the closing time, thus I couldn’t explore as much as I wanted. Now, without further ado, let’s go to the photos.

The Pond

The pond has pedal boat rides! And it was very hot despite being spring still.

In several photos with the shades of blue, I ended up exaggerating in the saturation. I already noticed that I have a tendency to exaggerate in the saturation and I noticed that my phone’s camera also likes to do it. Would this be a tactic used by the big manufacturers to make photos more enjoyable based on preference statistics? I have no clue!

Ok, one can tell they like white birds with yellow beaks!

It isn’t always that art mimics life. In the Taquaral Pond the birds can be as mundane as mere pidgeons. These cute little pidgeons were walking fearless all around, certainly used to humans, almost domesticated.

The Perimeter

As I explained in the beginning, I couldn’t explore the park too much. To compensate, I walked in the outside.

The external area is also enjoyable. It was on these wanderings that I noticed a promising bar/restaurant and added it to the list of restaurants to visit that Natalia and I keep, with the goal of visiting one resturant every month.

After some monhts we ended up going there. The place was awesome, but the service was terrible, extremely dissapointing. Experiences like that happen.

The Machines

Apparently, I tried to get into the park through a less orthodox entrance, where I came across some old machinery exhibithion, and I don’t know the machines’ original purpose. See below two versions of the same picure. Which one you like most?

I took the chance to excercise my incipient creative capacity, lol.

And, to wrap it up, one final photograph of the machines.

As always, it is a pleasure to have you around! See you next time.