Today’s post has a big number of pictures, but it may not be that amusing. I decided to take some shots from my small Funko Pop collection, using a table lamp as a light source.

Note that as the post goes, there are pictures with shadows, whereas in other ones the table lamp is facing the Funko Pops directly, in the same angle as the camera. Since they are plastic objects and light is direct, without a diffuser, every now and then there is some reflection.

The Evil One

Let’s start wth the beloved evil Pennywise!

You’ll float too, you’ll float too, you’ll float too!


And we transition to the mighty Aragorn!


And it isn’t Kruger, it is Mercury indeed.

In another perspective for you.


With an e…

And braids.

Star Wars

May the force be with you.

My young padawan.


Blip bip, bop pilip.

This one is protected from Covid.

Darth Vader and its friends.

I am your… no, wait.

Game of Thrones

Starting with the unburned, breaker of chains and a lot of other deep stuff.

Where is her dark side?

You have a style, Daenerys has them all.

Want an ice cream?

Fruit flavor.

Ice cream my ass, my name is Jon Snow, dude!

Here we kill monsters, my man.

Au au, I should be a sinister wolf, but here I am with the face of a pet shop puppy.

This Jon must be playing with me.

Ops, bug here. Jon, what tavern is it that you enter?

Ok, now everything makes sense again.

Are you facing me? I am!

I’m sorry dude, my younger sister will screw you so bad you won’t even see it coming.

There is no chance for a White Walker.

Photography for the credits, taking a coffee together to break the mood.

And now the couple’s photos.

Sadly it didn’t last.

Crazy friend, are you really setting everything on fire?

Stranger Things

And we just begin with the all powerful.

Is she always with food in her hand?


Demo Dustin.

Speak and I hear you.

C’mon, we are ready!

I’m just watching.

No camouflage.

Here is brute force!

Let’s go grab a beer in the underworld today?

Shurastei shuragol.

Ouch, demodog!

They grow up so fast…

Demogorgon daddy arrived!

It even looks like a little flower.

Crew united, those who are not here were eaten by the demogorgon, okay?

But everyone is watchful.

In the upside down, the strangest things happen.

Best pet, easy to take care of…


I’ll tame you, beast!

See you!