In this year’s last post from Photo of the Month - because December will only be posted on January 1st, 2021 - I bring an essay that traces back to the most important fact of 2020: Covid-19. It is a simple essay, that portraits Natalia in masks. Without further ado, let’s go to the photos.

Duck Beak

To open the essay, I present the established duck beak model, famous for being considered more comfortable than the concertina by many. Highlighted, we have a flashy design, mostly red.

Another perspective for the duck beak, this time matching the dress.

This mask is even double sided and has a more discreet print on the other side. We see that the black side matches a ninja mystical demonstration from the model.


Now is the end of the duck beak and we go to the concertina model, the only other variety presented in this essay. I’ll owe you photos from the 3D model.

See below the black model, also discreet and goes well with any dress.

Still in the discreet tune, we go to a white and gray model.

And the last one with neutral colors and design.

In the transition to something more alive, we progress with neutral colors and a detailed print.

Going to work style.

Now we go to a sweet model, white with small colored hearts.


Finally, the most daring print, with pineapples!


But wait, there is more! As a bonus, the Leo’s skulls mask.

There are also some illustrations. As I wrote, Natalia’s nephews came play and we ended up drawing a bit.


After the photo shooting, let’s go to some thoughts about the pandemic.


Despite the pandemic, time flew so fast this year. To me, this was unexpected since social distancing implies in drastically reducing social activity, leading to inevitable boredom and adding the sensation that time is passing slowly. What happened in practice was that the abundance of digital resources and making plans for the future compensated the boredom and made time go by so fast.

Home Office

I had no issues with home office and even liked it. Naturally, being in an international team and only requiring a computer to do my job ended up being key points.


At the beginning of the pandemic I adapted well and I feel like I was one of the few that didn’t feel bad about being on lockdown. By the end of the year, I was already a bit impatient to go out. With the green phase and going back to regular leisure activities, I didn’t feel a lot.

Deaths and Vaccine

Fortunately, nobody close died, not even got sick as far as I know. We keep hoping for a vaccine to land soon and bring the world back to something closer to normal.


The point that had most impact in the marriage planning, is that we had to taste the buffet in private, instead of seeing a full party going on, with many couples attending. For the rest, so far we didn’t have any other hurdles at all.

And I close this post hoping for a future that gets back to normal, always looking forward with positivity!