Ladies and gentleman, welcome to another blog from the Photo of the Month series in your preferred channel, the TFZW. Today, we highlight nature, in an unusual country life post. Get ready to dive deep into the forest and discover the most incredible fauna and flora from the intercity region between Campinas and Itatiba.

Come with us and get on board on this adventure!

Disclaimer: this post has a sarcastic fun tone and traces of fantasy that do not represent the author’s world view or the reality.

Wild Cactuses

Just as we get to the forest we face ourselves with some giant cactuses and some tiny cactuses, living in perfect harmony - at least until human predators abduct and imprison them in tight vases at their homes.

Agriculture Threatens Nature

In the upcoming shockingly scene, we see the impact that human being and intensive agriculture cause to the native forest, illustrated by the big tomato plantation that expands for acres of land. In capitalism profit is king and nature is subject.

The Farmer

There is merit to this essential work category. It is important to highlight to the unsuspecting that the farmers are not the landlords and that society must thank those who stand up for family agriculture.

End of the day in the farm, we see the farm worker rejoice with rest in a shade and reflection toward his ancestors, always welcoming his loyal friend.

Subsistence fishing is another essential activity that should not be forgotten.

Springs and Ponds

As we penetrate deeper into the woods, each time feeling the calm silence of nature, we are able to find incredible springs and their corresponding ponds that were formed millenia ago, in the Precambrian period. Rejoice and refresh yourself with the upcoming unpublished pictures.

Does life mimics art or art mimics life? It is not possible to precisely say, and yet there are moments when a mere detail brings us to the most wonderful stories. Would the water tank below be the well in the middle of the desert and its rusty pulley that is sound to the aviator’s ears and his Little Prince, or would it be the water pump in the waystation where Roland meets Jake?

Indomitable Beauty

Even though there is exploration, there is a big portion of native land that does not only survive, but strives amongst richness of species, forms, and colors. Incredible plants are seen among the brown and green tones.

Faithful Squires

Nature’s and humanity’s friends, bitches are friendly with friends and fearsome to enemies. They help keep the herd inside the pastures and to explore the inner woods with safety. There is no jaguar or ocelot that has any power when standing besides these animals.

Adventure Tourism

Getting lost in the woods is not for anyone, but only for the travellers that love nature and adventure. A good backpack, resilience, creativity and good shape are essential traits for those who decide to venture into this tourism category.

The Future of Mankind

The contact with nature, the knowledge that we depend on it to survival and the future of the species. None of this is important if we don’t prepare our children to, wisely, take care of this untold heritage that Earth has built across eras - millions and millions of years. Children, seek knowledge!

Seek knowledge!


Here are some unedited photos that are possibly more beautiful than the ones edited by my clumsly hands.

And with this retrospective we prepare to say goodbye. See you!