On this post, I’ll post a hybrid of photos taken in the manual and automatic mode, clicked in the city of Luzern, in Switzerland.

The current post-processing algorithms are very nice and I feel quite convinced that, in general, it is best to take pictures in the automatic. All of the photos were taken wiht the Galaxy S10e.

Here’s the theme for this month: my work travel to the city of Luzern, in Switzerland.

The Most Iconic - Kapellbrücke and Wasserturm

Kapellbrücke is the wooden bridge - chapel bridge - and wasserturn is the annex hexagonal tower. The mention to the chapel refers to a chapel close by, and not to the tower.

Kapellbrücke - manual shot

Above is the photo taken in the manual mode with a little post-processing. This is the most iconic landscape because, in addition to the beautiful scenery, it is recognized as the most clicked place in Switzerland. It is worth highlighting that I took the photo from an angle that is not the most usual, because it doesn’t show the entire picture. The objective was to highlight the tower.

Kapellbrücke - automatic shot

The second is taken in automatic mode. Out of curiosity, this bridge was built in the XIV century and after surviving for centuries a champion was capable of setting it on fire in 1993. Original paintings from the XVII century, bought by the mayor at the time to make the bridge more beautiful, were lost forever in the fire.

Fountain in Luzern

Fountain in Spreuerbrücke

This fountain in annex to a second wooden bridge named Spreuerbrücke, or grain husks bridge. The name is due to this being the only bridge where it was allowed to throw grain husks and leaves down the river. Photo taken in manual mode.

Vierwaldstättersee and the Alps

Panoramic view from Vierwaldstättersee

The bridges mentioned in the previous photos go over the Reuss river. This river, in turn, run from the Vierwaldstättersee - or Four Canton Lake, also known as Lake Luzern. It was at the margin of this lake that four cantons - a bit like states in the USA - united themselves in a mutual protection pact, which founded Switzerland.

This panoramic view was taken during a boat trip. It was very hard to take a reasonable photograph in manual mode, and this, that was one of the best, was still not very good so I decided to edit it in a way to leave a bucolic, aged feeling.

Mount Rigi

Mount Rigi - manual click with the city blurred in the background

Attempt to create depth by blurring the background and highlighting the fence. This photograph was taken in manual mode, at the top of the mount.

Mount Rigi - automatic click with the lake as background

Photo taken in automatic mode, in a simple attempt to register the landscape seen from the top.

Hotel and telecom tower at the top of Mount Rigi

Another picture taken in automatic mode, with the goal to register the hotel and telecom tower at the top of mount Rigi.

Panoramic taken at Rigi Kaltbad

Another hard to click photo due to the light intensity variation (well I hope I’ not too far from photographe’s naming here). This was taken in manual mode in a small resort named Rigi Kaltbad.

Panoramic taken at Rigi Kaltbad in auto mode with HDR

As we can see in the above photo, the automatic version with HDR captures in a much more precise way the landscape as a whole. Note that I didn’t crop the photo, while on manual I did crop the a portion of the roof on the right.


Giante snowman with approximately 20 centimeters. Picture taken in manual mode.


The Weggis village, at the foot of Rigi. Photo taken on a random street, in auto mode. It was meant to be just another memory, but I liked the result and included it here.

Horw and Mount Pilatus

Mount Pilatus from Horw

Sight of mount Pilatus from Horw. Auto mode picture.

Mount Pilatus from Horw with zoom

Photo from the same perspective as the previous one, but with zoom and some clouds in the way. Also taken in auto mode. Google Photos even tried to generate a version with color highlight, but I didn’t like it.

Cheese and Salami

Italian cheese and salami

Spontaneus photo from a dinner with fresh italian food. I could have cropped away some undesired details and, if I had taken this one on purpose, at least I’d try to arrange the dishes in a more pleasant way. Food was delicious, by the way.



Just to record I was actually there. Naturally, this one was taken with the front camera in auto mode.

And here this month’s post ends. During this travel, I focused in taking few pictures and enjoy with more intensity the moments I lived there. Related to other travel I did, I took a very small number of photos and, when coming back home, I even erased several of them so I only kept th best ones - except those taken in manual mode, that I exposed here independent of quality.