It is party day! After long thoughts on creating a blog, aiming at posting various content, I have glued my butt to the chair and forced these tired fingers to type the lines that come next. To the premiere, I present a ficticious tale, recently written - and it is called “Bia”. Hope you enjoy!


It was jsut another Friday. Just like the previous one, and the one before that. Barely knew that young man that his life would change irreversibly. It all started in that place he calls home, though it isn’t his house. A student republic that he long ago frequented e to which he returns when seeking for happiness.

As usual in partying days or, better saying, as the law imposes in partying days, the lad sit on the comfortable blue sofa in the living room and made the beer can tap snap: it was decreed the start, the beginning of the warm-up, the early night. Beer can after beer can, a glass after the other and it goes all night - I see the writing on the wall. See?

But the clock begged the young man and his friends his pardon from the arduous task of getting drunk up to the limit they would be able to get to the party in a presentable fashion. And it would be hard, for on this party the men dressed like woman and vice-versa. Black skirt and red shirt. Red and black to the bone. And you, are you heavenly?

It took three minutes to convince the bus driver that it would be a great idea to let the young man drive, and he didn’t disappoint. Broke red traffic lights, climbed on the curb, and slammed the brakes as if there was no tomorrow, hallucinated. Everyone was delivered in safety. Do you prefer adventure over safety?

In the party, the lad prepared for his pagode band performance, where he plays the small guitar. They played the best hits from É o Tchan, Inimigos da HP, Ramones and Madonna. It was while playing that he saw her for the first time. He didn’t even know it, but her name was Bia and she stood up on the crowd.

Dancing to I Wanna be Sedated she was unbeatable; her arms graciously performed choreographies, always in perfect sync with those gazelle’s legs, shining. Her body’s movement was as fluid as running water down a sinuous swiss mountain stream. From the moment the young man saw her, he knew: this girl had the incredible potential of stealing his heart. Have you ever stolen a heart?

When the presentation ended he almost jumped off stage and went to the bar grab a couple of catuaba Selvagem shots. Among that sea of people, he felt like Cabral trying to the India, but his India had another name - she was called Bia. For hours he wandered until he found her, and it wasn’t in vain, for that close this woman looked even more stunning. Have you ever lost your words?

A conversation started, he asked her name and offered a catuaba shot. Bia didn’t accept, and he drank the two shots. They started talking about airplane turbines, went through exotic plants and classic music, seasoned with many laughs. He suggested they should maybe wait for the sun, which they didn’t, and he wrote down what he thought to be Bia’s number, promising to send a message on the day after. Have you ever given the wrong number?

This is Bia. As difficult as it can be to describe someone you don’t know very well, here is the report of how that young man met her. And here is the ultimate question: would Bia be “The Bia” or just “another Bia”, that one day passed by like a comet?